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FOLLOW FOCUS - The Ladies Almanack at the Nightgale

The Ladies Almanack is honored to be the inaugural featured project for the exciting new series FOLLOW FOCUS December 7th in Chicago, presented by The Nightingale.

FOLLOW FOCUS is a new process-oriented screening series that rallies audiences and resources behind a moving image maker as they complete a feature project. Designed to expand viewership into the production stage, FOLLOW FOCUS invites audiences to observe a director’s process, collaborations, and inspiration.

THE NIGHTINGALE will host 4 screenings during the course of the next year, each one highlighting a different element of the process ending with a rough cut screening in Fall of 2015. The production of a commissioned art object will also raise funds for the film; at each of the four screenings, audience members will be able to purchase part of a limited edition Ladies Almanack Tarot Deck illustrated and printed by Jess LeMaster. Attend all four screenings for a complete 24-card set.

THE LADIES ALMANACK is a feature-­length experimental narrative film shot on Super 8 and based on the novel of the same title by Djuna Barnes. The film is a kaleidoscopic tribute to women’s writing through the friendships, jealousies, flirtations and publishing woes of authors and artists in 1920’s Paris.

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